Friday Oct 27, 2023
Do You Really Love Him Whom You Call Savior
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
"Simon, son of John," Jesus asked Peter, "do you truly love me?" (John 21:16). When Jesus asked that question, Peter must have thought, "Hey, just a minute. How can you ask that after what I've been through with you? Remember, I was the one who even followed you to the house of the high priest after You were seized in Gethsemane."
If Peter thought it, he didn't voice it. Yet when Jesus challenged his answer by asking the same question three times, Peter was disturbed.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
4 Guidelines To Keeping Your Identity In Marriage
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Have you ever stood on the banks of two great rivers and watched them merge? When two rivers come together, there is a great deal of turbulence before the waters flow smoothly. That's the way it often is when two become one and forge a new family.
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
How To Build Strong Family Relationships
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
My son, Steve, is a rock climber, something that is much too much for me. I'm like Sir Francis Chichester, who said, "I will lift mine eyes unto the hills but I will not take my carcass thither." Anyway, Steve and two of his friends were climbing the highest peak in Switzerland when they stopped to catch their breath and noticed three climbers on the face of an incline a short distance from where they were. As they watched, the lead climber suddenly lost his footing and fell.
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
The Impact Of Being Honest
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
A reporter from a Toronto newspaper was asked to do a story on garages which made unreasonable charges. The reporter pulled a couple wires lose in the electrical system of his car and drove into garages asking for an estimate on repairs which varied from $25 to over $400. After he got the estimates, he declined to have the work done, drove around the corner and hooked up the wires, and went on to the next garage.
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Is There a Correlation Between What I Say And Do?
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Your bank's cash machine has gone berserk, giving out 20's as if they were 5's, yet your receipt shows no sign of overpayment. You immediately know that something is wrong. You asked for a withdrawal of $100, but it gave you $400. What do you do? Would you a) Use the emergency telephone to alert the bank. b) Take the money and run, or c) Call your friends and tell them to get back there too, as you go to the end of the line for a second run at the machine yourself?
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Is This Your Wake Up Call?
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
"Wake-up calls" is the term applied to them--those close brushes with death which may come by being a participant in a near-fatal car crash, a heart attack, being a passenger on a plane which is hijacked, or waking to the smell of smoke in your house, or about anything when you know that death stalked you but you didn't fall prey to its grasp.
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
This Is The Importance Of Saying No
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
The word that a parent uses most often when there is a toddler in the house is, "No!" and the expression that kids use is, "Why can't I?" not really listening for an explanation. The word "No" draws the lines of battle. And that line is intact from the cradle to the grave. The reality is that a lot of life is circumscribed by the negative prohibition, "No!"
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
How Important Is It To State The Obvious
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
"I have just heard your commentary about the tongue," wrote a listener. This friend added, "I am one of those who … is brutally frank. I know the truth is bitter, but my greatest defect is to tell a person what wrong he has done which he ought not to do. Is it unchristian?" It's amazing to me how many folks such as the woman who wrote feel compelled to point out people's flaws.
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Start Having Meaningful Conversations
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
On November 2, 1863, several months after the battle of Gettysburg, David Wills, a local judge and prominent Pennsylvania citizen, invited Abraham Lincoln to make a "few appropriate remarks" at the consecration of a cemetery for the Union war dead. Edward Everett, then the young nation’s foremost northern orator, had been invited to speak on September 23, but Everett needed more time for preparation so fate put both of the men on the same program on November 19, 1863.
Monday Oct 16, 2023
God Has A Plan For Your Life
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
For a moment suppose that God has a blueprint, a plan for your life. Now if God has a plan for your life, would it not have to be a good one? After all, He created you, and He knows you better than you know yourself. He sees your life in the focus of all eternity while with our human limitations we simply see today.